Media For Me
Quiz: Media Messages
Porn Options
Bust Tha Myth - Q&A For Guys
I Think I'm Lesbian, Gay or Bi
It Just Happened Once
GLBT Links
Coming Out
What Am I?
Trans Youth
Quiz: Stereotypes
Family, Culture and Religion
Psychology of Attraction
Sociology of Attraction


GLBT stands for gay, bisexual, lesbian and transgendered. Some people experience only same-sex or heterosexual attraction, but many people experience both during their lifetimes. The GLBT community and its supporters generally believe the following:

  • People may feel desire to have queer or straight sex for just a second, for many years, for an entire life or never
  • You may be attracted to both sexes for a brief time, for a long time, or never

The reasons people are attracted to one sex instead of another are unique to each person, often can’t be explained, and should always be respected.