Fisting / Fingering
When one person puts a hand inside a partner’s vagina or anus
This act is done by same-sex and heterosexual couples
When one person puts fingers inside a partner’s vagina or anus
This act is done by same-sex and heterosexual couples
Some people like to take a shower before fisting or fingering.
Lubricant can make a big difference.
The skin inside a vagina and anus are very sensitive and delicate. Lubricant can make it slippery and these acts more enjoyable.
If you don’t have any feeling in the genitals
but want to try this activity, be sure that your partner goes very slowly and gently and uses a lot of lubrication.
If you are fingering or fisting a female’s anus
, wash your hands or switch fingers before touching her vagina. Otherwise, you may cause a vaginal or urinary tract infection. These can be very painful.
It may not be for you.
People have sex acts they like and those they don’t. Sometimes your preferences will change over time.